
Hello, my name is Sue McLeod.

I support solopreneurs with their own business dreams by working with them on the heart and soul of their business. 

How do I do this?

I’m a Transpersonal Counsellor and Psychotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, and a Biz Mentor and Coach.



  • 15 years’ experience as a Business and Software Solutions Consultant to a variety of industries and sectors in the corporate world;
  • 10 years’ experience as a Life Coach using resources such as NLP and EFT (tapping)
  • and 5 years’ experience as a Transpersonal Counsellor and Psychotherapist specialising in working with the mind body connection. Some of the core foundations of how I work is with Focusing, and Inner Parts Work combined with Voice Dialogue.
    This can include exploring parts of ourselves as they present themselves, such as the inner child; the warrior; higher self; inner critic; shadow and golden aspects of self, to name a few. Exploring, examining and learning to distinguish between the many different parts that make up the sum of us, and learning to identify when different parts are dominating us, can lead to a richer understanding of ourselves and our lives, and help you better understand, heal and transform your triggers and limiting beliefs…I combine my broad knowledge base into a unique offering, supporting women working on their inner issues as I mentor them in creating their own business dreams.

I am a powerful straight shooter with a soft spiritual heart.

The women I am the best energetic match for are determined and driven, committed to breaking through their own restrictions, and absolutely ready to jump in and go on this journey with me.  For you, it’s time.  There is no running away, there is no backing out.

Once you’re in, you’re in and I’ll walk the path with you, through whatever obstacles come up. Together we’ll smash through them.


My straight shooting coaching style is different to many coaches in that it has a very vital foundation – COUNSELLING.

Your wounds will come up. We all have them. We all have deep vulnerabilities, shame, pain. In order to succeed in the way you want to, it is essential we heal these. And I believe it is essential that any good coach has a very strong solid counselling foundation so that when the big stuff comes up, you are held in a safe supportive space.

That’s what I do.
That’s how I best serve my clients.
I cannot emphasize enough how important this is.


I will be by your side, holding your hand through whatever pain you experience, so that you come trough the other side feeling freer, lighter and with such drive and clarity that you almost forget how challenging it once was for you..


I love working with solo-preneurs. I love talking all things business!

I love brainstorming and problem solving and get excited at software and technology and the amazing tools it gives us. Marketing lights me up, finding ways to communicate with our customers and meeting their needs excites me.

I do this whilst straddling a bridge between the mainstream and new age worlds. (Part of me is a bit alternative and new age, and part of me is totally mainstream)  I operate from a client centred, shamanically influenced & spiritually focused Mind, Body & Spirit approach.



We cannot separate our personal stuff from our business. Our soul, who we are, our history and story is who we bring to our business. The two are connected and can’t be separated, and this is exactly why I combine my love of business coaching and consulting  with my deep love of counselling and inner parts work.


How and Where I work from

I work with my clients 1 on 1 in person in Ferntree Gully and surrounds;

worldwide online through Skype/Zoom,

as well as offering workshops which help people find access to deep healing and a profound shift in their wellbeing and understanding themselves better.


On a personal level…

I am a mother of 2 beautiful boys and wife of a Police Officer for the last 15 years (and yes, being a hippy on the inside who loves and is married to a cop continues to be a very interesting challenging journey!)

I have lived and breathed what so many other women are experiencing. Birth disempowerment and then empowerment, as my first pregnancy journey took me from a lack of knowledge and wanting an elective Caesar to avoid the pain of labour, to choosing an empowering homebirth.

I’ve known deep birth trauma and grief, as the birth of my 2nd child ended with a very difficult labour and him being born not breathing. He was resuscitated with a huge amount of work and spent 8 days in NICU, which is it’s own hellish experience. (Thankfully all ended well.)

I have experienced my own wounding by the masculine and feminine, and parent of origin wounding,  and know what it is to carry a deeply wounded inner child that longs to be loved, protected and accepted.

I know what it’s like to experience Anxiety and Panic attacks – and through the use of my training and tools have virtually eliminated them from my life.
When they do flare up, I know how to find out why, and heal them.

I can help you do the same.

I have lived past experience of domestic violence and know the loss of self that comes with that. I’ve walked the path of rebuilding my shattered heart and confidence, to become a fierce powerful warrior woman with exceptionally strong boundaries, and am committed that my clients find that same power within themselves and learn to know themselves as unstoppable.

I have spent many years being coached by others, experiencing the challenges of going through the confrontation of breakdowns, to having breakthroughs.

Following my training as a Transpersonal Counsellor and Psychotherapist, I recognised the benefit in seeing my own therapist from a counselling perspective.  I have spent a number of years experiencing the journey of exploring my inner world.

Getting to know my inner child, my inner protector, many other different inner selves and archetypes.  Healing and self discovery work which is vital to understanding myself better,  learning tools I use every single day in my life. Through my sessions, I better understand the courage and trust it takes for a person to see a therapist, open your heart and expose your pain. I promise you it’s worth it.

My personal journey has transformed my life and unleashed my soul purpose of helping heal others.


Why do I do this work?

It makes my heart sing!  Connecting with a person, having them be willing to share their stories with me, their vulnerability, open their hearts and trust me to hold it safely, whilst witnessing their growth, is a deep privilege and moves and fulfills me on a very deep level.

Knowing that in doing this work, I help make possible profound healing for my clients. In turn, I am healed further, I evolve further.

Every relationship with every client is a deep exchange of your higher self working with my higher self, to walk this path together and see what we discover.

If you have come here and are reading this, you were interested in how I could help you.   If you’d like to talk to me and get a feel if we are a good fit for working with each other, give me a call or send me an email.   I’d love to talk with you.


Warm Regards